Hi, my name is Faith and I am the very much loved horse of my mum who sadly has to sell me through no fault of my own. Unfortunately life is ever changing and my mum has recently had a baby. Now , this tiny human might be cute but he also means my mum has had to make the difficult decision to find me a new home as she wants to do what is best for me and her and does not have the time to put in the work that I need to reach my full potential. My mum is wanting to find me a home that will love me as much as she does and who will see the potential I have and because of this, is not in a rush to sell me as she wants to ensure I go to the best home possible.
I am approximately 15.3hh, not officially measured and am rising 13yrs. I have been with my owner since I was 6months old so this is a very difficult sale for her and she will ensure I am going to a home that is going to see my potential fulfilled.
I have been out competing in show jump days and ODE’s since 2018. I love to jump however I am not the most confident out xc, those jumps can be scary!! I need a confident, gentle rider to encourage me and show me that I don’t have to be afraid. I have the movement and looks to do a beautiful dressage test but this was never my mum’s strong point and we didn’t have the time or money to have lots of lessons so we haven’t developed our skill in this area. My most recent test at Murray ODE in March 2023, I surprised my mum and we got a 63% score, our best ever! I used to be very tense in the dressage ring but with time and work my mum has been able to convince me that I can relax and we had been improving a lot. I have been out to a few competitions this year with another rider while my mum was busy cooking the cute mini human . I did well at those outings, not putting a foot wrong and enjoying being back in the ring. As my mum couldn’t ride for most of this year, she leased me out to a lovely lady who did some re-eduction with me around exposure to scary things as well as some float training (previously I’d been quite stubborn to load). I am proud to say I am now very good at loading onto a float and truck.
I have had stifle lock, I’ve been vet checked and told I have to do regular pole work to build up my muscles and this helps. It doesn’t affect me when we are out riding and has never affected me whilst jumping. I have competed up to 90cm show jumping back in 2020 and we were aiming to move up to C grade eventing however I am not confident enough xc yet to do this. I have some superficial scarring on my legs but nothing that affects my ability to move and compete.
I am good to catch (although on the very odd occasion I like to play a game called chase me around the paddock until I’m bored and let you catch me), float, I am good for the farrier and enjoy trail rides however can be spooky (those leaves that move in the bush are terrifying), generally freezing, trying to turn away from the scary object or backing up. I can be paddocked alone and taken out on trails alone however am more confident when there is another horse with me to hide behind.
I enjoy spending time with people and I like children being around me, brushing me and riding me however because I can spook easily, children do need to be careful around me.
My mum has ridden me in a halter and lead rope over jumps and in a bit less bridle out on trials and in the paddock.
My mum would like me to go to a competition home where my potential will be brought out. I need a confident, intermediate/experienced teenager/adult rider who has the time to put the work into me.
Price is negotiable to the right home
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