Oakleigh Park Armani (Montiblu)

Stunning Thoroughbred Mare



Mabel is a beautiful thoroughbred mare with soft ground covering movement.  She has been OTT with us for 18 months and has competed with great success in Official Hack shows and breed shows.
In her first year OTT she has qualified for Nationals and Grand Nationals in Childs Open Hack and qualified rider for Grand Nationals. She is an easy mare to show with very little warm up required, she has a huge future ahead of her and is only for sale as we have young ones coming on and far too many horses. She is good to take out on trail rides and is easy to clip, shoe and float. 
Some of her wins include:
EWA Newcomer Hack of the year
SHCWA runner-up newcomer hack of the year
EWA HOTY runner-up Childs hack
SHCWA Runner-up Childs hack
Supreme Led Thoroughbred WA thoroughbred Championships 2023
Supreme Ridden Thoroughbred WA Thoroughbred Champs 2024
Carried rider to Champion Rider 21-30 qualifying for Grand Nationals & Champion Rider 18 years & over qualifying for the NSW Southern Cross Spectacular.

Contact Seller

    Lisa Vince
  • Member Since:
    8th June, 2023

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