
Mothers dream



Whether you are a mother looking for a horse for yourself or your child, this horse IS your dream. Perhaps you could even share? Chuck your husband on too. Hell, get grandma to throw a leg over,  just to get value for money! 
Now, I’ve ridden a lot of horses, including thoroughbreds in my time, so before you read any further, believe me when I say that this horse is a one in a million. I’ve not met anything with this amount of genuineness and generosity before. So, if you are in fact NOT looking for a one in a million, scroll to the next advert. 
Still with me? Congratulations, you’ve reached stage 2! Now here’s a further check list you can run through to see if we make it to stage 3. I believe in you. Don’t let me down! So, are the most important things to you is that a horse is…..
Did you answer no to ANY of those questions? Sad to see you go, but good luck on your quest!
Did you answer yes to ALL of those questions? Woohoo! Now, when looking for a horse for a child or an adult, the personality qualities above are THE most important things to look for. Regardless of whether your daughter dreams of going to the Olympics or if you dream of kicking around the 45cm at Hills Showjumping, this is actually all you need in an animal. The rest is just fluff. I understand that you all want fluff, so let’s go through some of that now just for our own entertainment. Stage 3…… does your ideal horse have….
*A natural ability to jump?
*A quick brain to get you out of trouble when you plant them in something that was never a ‘spot’?
*An especially good nature that doesn’t take offence at your aforementioned riding?
*No need for anything other than a 5 minute warm up at a show?
*Devilishly handsome looks?
*A ride-ability that is ridiculously uncomplicated?  
*A beautiful soft mouth in a snaffle in any discipline?
So you should know the drill by now. If you answered no, toodaloobuckaroo. Answered yes? Like, REALLY yes? Like, these 2 lists above are THE most important things to you in a horse above all else? Well done, you’ve progressed to stage 4. Does your unicorn have…..
*The scope and heart to jump mega high and scary stuff?
*The same dead quiet nature after 2 days off or 4 months off?
*A work ethic that would put a German to shame?
*A need in his soul to smooch and cuddle at great lengths?
*An accuracy in his flat work that would make him an accountant if he became a person?
*A happiness for swimming at the beach?
*A desire for a casual stroll in the bush?
*A love for both at sunset?
We’re just kicking straight on to stage 5 cause I know you know the rules by now…… does your new HBF (horse best friend – just made that myself) have….
*Movement like an imported warm blood suitable for a Grand Prix dressage future?
*Expressive jumping style like something Edwina Alexander would ride?
Now, just to mix things up, to move to stage 6 you need to have answered NO to those questions, because if he had either of these his price would have two extra 0’s at the end, and you aren’t silly enough to think a horse of his calibre and near perfection would need to have amazing movement to make him worth seeing! 
Stage 6 is the second last, and is more of a list of things you need to acknowledge and accept before stage 7…..
*He’ll lean on your farrier. I wouldn’t warn him. Just let him find out the hard way and pretend I’m a cow for not telling you. But he has great feet so you know, you could’ve bought worse and he should actually be grateful!
*We have established good manners on the ground, but you will need to continue the reinforcement of these as it often takes OTT’s a few years to get out of racehorse habits. If you don’t, he will revert back to being a bit of a twat, and I’ll probably get upset with you then for not listening to me in the first place! He is very safe and not the slightest bit dangerous, but he does require a confident person to continue to show him what is expected of his behaviour. 
*He has competed showjumping at 1m, evented EvA80 (even won at Murray 2018  from start to finish, and came 4th at Wooroloo II 2019) and did the recent eventing Grand Prix at 90cm. He is more than capable and ready to go higher, but my friend (who has been riding him) and I are too tightassed to spring to upgrade our EA memberships this close to the end of the year to do so. 
*He prefers a paddock where he can have a friend. He’s a herd animal. It’s just who he is, and he’s kinda cute with it. However, he is also perfectly fine going to a show on his own. 
So if you’ve answered yes and no and nodded in acceptance where appropriate, you are one of the lucky few who have qualified for stage 7 and deserve to see and ride this horse. Now don’t you go letting me down and decide that what you actually need isn’t what is listed above, because that would be disappointing for us both! 
I have tonnes of photos that I haven’t bought copyright licenses for, and even more video. So just stalk my Facebook, or text me and I’ll send direct to you.
Look forward to meeting the lucky winner 👌

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    Georgina Oakmam
  • Member Since:
    30th October, 2019

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